durable CM6350 Countertop Coffee Machine Medium Obsidian Black
$0.00 ( In Stock ) ( left ) ( out of stock )
AromaticSystem: The CM 6350 countertop coffee machine wows with its dynamic brewing system and quiet grinder made of wear-resistant steel, while the ground coffee chute allows for second variety
From coffee, espresso, to hot milk: Conjure up creamy milk froth for range of drinks and prepare up to 8 cups at time with the included coffee pot; adjust grind and water quantity in expert
OneTouch for Two: With just touch of button you can make two of any specialty drink; save your favorite drinks in one of up to 10 individual connoisseur profiles
ComfortClean: Many components of the coffee machine, including the water tank and waste container, are dishwasher-; the milk pipework is automatically cleaned after every drink made with milk
Items delivered: 1 x CM 6350 coffee maker in Obsidian Black, with glass milk container, descaling tablets, tablets and operating instructions
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