Breville Smart Grinder Pro Coffee Bean Grinder, Brushed Stainless Steel, BCG820BSS
$99.60 ( In Stock ) ( left ) ( out of stock )
Stainless steel conical burrs designed to minimize grinding heat and protect the essential oils in the coffee bean 60 precise grind settings from the finest Espresso to the coarsest French Press Grind. Voltage: 110 120 Volts. Power: 165 Watts Precision Electronic Timer allows users to adjust grind time in 0.2 second increments and consistent dose every time 18 ounce coffee bean capacity with locking system for easy removal, storage, and transfer of the bean hopper Grind directly into portafilter, grinds container, gold tone filter basket or paper filter Portafilter cradle small 50 54 millimeter; Portafilter cradle large 58 millimeter Note: Refer user manual before use
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